
This is a secret page, so bookmark it.

Canvas is available for any AVUSD teacher to use with their students.  

Contact Bethany Thompson for information.

Some Links:

Canvas Checklist (Independent Study Focus)

Resources and ideas for Canvas in Elementary

Canvas for Littles Resource Document

Link to HTML

If you embed a Google Doc syllabus, switch to HTML editor and use width = "100%" and height = "1500". 1500 may be too large, so you may need to adjust as you go.

Anatomy of embed code

Canvas for Android

Canvas for iOS

Bethany's Playlist of Canvas Videos!  Videos Being Added Daily

Frequently Asked Questions

How do students access Canvas?

Students can access their Canvas course through Classlink or through their waffle.  It will log them right in.  Students will not see anything until the course is published.

Will Canvas automatically add and drop students?

Yes.  Canvas syncs nightly with Aeries.  So a student may drop on Monday, but you won't see the change reflected in your Canvas until Tuesday.

How do parents access Canvas?

Parents will get a pair code to login with the Canvas Parent App.  Right now Bethany is the only one who can mass print your pair codes.  Just send her a message.  Pair codes expire, so you'll want to get them pretty close to the date you're going to use them.