AVUSD Digital Learning
(The best website ever)
Welcome to the AVUSD Digital Learning Services page
Happy trails gratitude month is here!
Need Help? Contact your site Digital Learning Specialist
Digital Learning Specialists (Alpha by Site)
Laura Evangelista - Apple Valley High School
Todd Bowser- Apple Valley High School
Lauren Miner - Apple Valley Virtual Academy
Dalailah Gonzalez- Desert Knolls
Andrew Heldreth - Granite Hills High School
Seth Watts- Granite Hills High School
Charlie Quezada - HDPA
Rachel Rogers- Mariana Academy
Aurora Mendoza- Phoenix Academy (Lower Grades)
Brittney Wells - Phoenix Academy (Upper Grades)
Stephanie Humphrey- Rancho Verde
Tracie Bennett- Rio Vista
Cynthia Blackford - Sandia Academy
Rebecca Mejia - Sitting Bull (Lower grades)
Carol Nielsen - Sitting Bull (Upper grades)
Jessica Ward- Sycamore Rocks
Andrea Kobbe- Vanguard Prep
Candice James - Vanguard Prep
Christina Johnson- Yucca Loma
Bethany Thompson - Digital Learning Coordinator
Email the help desk at servicedesk@avusd.org
Include your:
time you'll be in your work location (if you need to be there)
How to change student Google Passwords - Note, if you don't see the option to change passwords email ServiceDesk@avusd.org and say exactly "I do not have the option to change student passwords, can you check that my role in the Admin console is set to be able to change passwords in my OU only."